Owr new furrends Colby an Cheddar gived us TWO, count em, TWO awards. Dat's how many front pawsies we has. Hey when it rains good stuff it pours good stuff yoo know what I mean? Dis also means we gets to nominate 7 times 2 more furriends for awards!
Fings are lookin good mine furriends. Mommie made a reely good deesizzshun today bout werk. She's givin it a 90 day cure. Change is blowin in da wind. Ahhhh. Bein able to wish for what yoo want is always a good fing. An it feels so good when yoo finally make a real deecizzshun. Pretty soon she may be spendin much more time wif us at home.
But enuf of dreamin', right now we wish great fings for all owr furriends! An now seven of yoo (times 2 awards coz we am doin what C and C am doin) am gettin deze wonnerful awards. Drum roll pwease....
1) Victor Tabbycat and Nina the Torbie
Victor am my Whiskerconsin twin an now he has a new sisfur. We loves him dearly an dis new sisfur seems to be pretty cool (altho we still misses Bonnie an her cranky nature).
2) House of the (Mostly) Black Cats
Where would da cat blogosphere be wifout dem?
3) Abby, Boo, Jinx, Ping, Gracie. Such beauty and grace all in one spot.
4) Parker, Powder, Puff, an Rudy an Diamond - If yoo knows us yoo know me Beau Beau gots a sweet spot for Powder. Plus Parker am BeauBeau's girl cat twin.
5) The Taylor CatSSSSS - Oooooohhhhh lookit all dem pressssshus kitties.
6) Boy an him's whiney fing - how cute are they?
7) Crew's Views - More of owr Whiskerconsin buds. Dey am so much fun too.
Mom an Dad haf Whiskconsin on dare brains coz dey be goin to see Lambeau field afore yoo know it an den we will haf a massive howse trashin partay!!!!!!!! Yippee!
Congratulations on your awards! Hooray for a good decision. We hope everything works our just the way your Mom hopes! It will certainly be wonderful for you to have her home with you more!
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau and Angie
ReplyDeleteConcats on yur awards and a BIG FANKYU fur gifting us! Dat wuz so fweet....and guess what? Momma is finkin along dee same lines as yoo...dat's why she has dat time line at dee top of her blog...she finkin of becomin a stayathome kittymomma. We will beelieve it when we sees doh....
Congratulations on all your awards.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the beautiful awards!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for the house trashing party ... :)
Concatulations on yoor awards! Say, if'n yoor beans is coming to Whiskerconsin yoo should come wif dem and yoo can come and visit...wait, dat would involve riding in *shivers* da metal monster. Neffur mind, just teleport up and we'll show yoo da new fun game called "step on mom" dat makes her get all acited and yell things like "get off my bladder" and "hey, yoor pulling my hair". It's really fun.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your awards! And you passed them on to some cool cats!
ReplyDeleteWally, Ernie & Zoey
Concatulations on your awards and on good decisions.
ReplyDeleteHello from us way over here in Australia. How you doing over there where you are??
ReplyDeleteWe hope you have a good weekend. :)
Mom here...
ReplyDeleteYes, I do have a great boss! I've been self-employed since 1987. I sold my first business in May 2006 and moved to GA. Starting over again was fun - and very hard. Starting a new business from scratch (for me) meant no paycheck for about 2 years, both times. It really is harder than most people think. Of course I know nothing about your line of work - that was just my experience.
The boys and I wish you great success!
Yeah the beans are coming to Whiskerconsin. I hopes they have fun at Lambeau. Can they do 'the leap'?
ReplyDeleteConcats on your awards.
Concats on yer awards!
ReplyDeleteP.S. - fanks fer visitin' us on Kiera's special day!
Thank you so much for the award!!!
ReplyDeleteWe hope that you have a wonderful day!
Great awards for my special friends, you so deserver them.
ReplyDeleteOh I hopes your mom is happy with making some changes. We are glad that you might get some more time together.
Good for your Mommy! My Mommy should take the hint and do the same thing, but I am betting that doesn't happen...
ReplyDeleteWe are so honored that you gave these awards to us! Powder is blushing again!
Hi Beau Beau and Angie, I am going to all the blogs on our list to let you know that we are deleting "Les Trois Chats." Momma is too busy to let us blog anymore - she has had a hard time blogging for herself even. We are actually now Les Quatre Chats anyway as we added LOLA in June, who is a POOP and has put me to shame as the alpha cat around here... even though, yes, she's a GIRL. (I know, SO emasculating! I need a treat or twenty to comfort me...)
ReplyDeleteWe so enjoyed our time with all of you. Au revoir, les amis,
Congratulations on your awards~!!!You are so well deserve them!