Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tummy Stretch

Dare must be some yoga name fur a move like dis. Steeeretch and reach, steeeeretch and reach.
If I keep in limber form den I can roll an run away from Beau Beau quicker. He did give me a few liks when I wuz sittin in mine little box last nite. I finks he wuz tryin to suck up a little to me. I told bitey boy to stay away fur a while.


  1. oh Angie - what a beautiful belleh you haf!

  2. My oh my!
    That's a lovely stretch!

  3. Purrty tummy and purrfect stretch!

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  4. That's quite the stretch you have there!

  5. Greetings -

    You might like to know about what we lovingly call the world's premier felizine (feline magazine): Catnip Chronicles. We celebrate the joys and wonders of cats by informing and entertaining their human staff.

    Catnip Chronicles is free, non-commercial, and dedicated to whatever is good for cats and their people. We are opposed to cruelty of any kind, including declawing.
    We support shelters, fostering, adoption, feral TNR, the ASPCA, the Humane Society, and, maybe most importantly, education about all things cat-related.

    Please look us over, grab a free subscription, and remember we're always looking for cat tales and photos. Please tell other cat lovers about us, too.

    Have a purrfect day,

    Kent Butler, Editor & Publisher

  6. That is a lovely big stretch Angie.

  7. Sweetie, that is a cute floofy stretch in the leaves.

  8. Love you tummeh stretch.

  9. dat a wonderfull belly stretch...

    mom wantsta skritch dat!
