Friday, December 30, 2011

Farting Around on Friday

Yep, not doing much lately on da blogosphere.  We haf not been posting a lot but I finks I found a new way to post.  I just lay on da keyboard an breve heavy an it makes da keys move.  Or what werks better is dat it makes da lady finally put a picshure of me on here.  Duzn't she know I misses all my furriends?  Hey lady!  Get typing to my furriends will ya?

~Beau Beau


  1. Now that looks like a grand plan to me!

  2. He he he you said Fart. Have a really happy new year from us - FAZ and Birks

  3. Poor Beau Beau! Yup. Just lying on the keys and breathing heavy will make them print out letters. That works.

    Luf, Us

  4. Beau Beau, with you in charge of the keys, it's a whole new ballgame. Purrfect timing for a new year and its resolutions!


  5. We must try that! May Ling does it on the piano but gets discovered every time...something about "noisy"...

    Happy New Year!

  6. Oh yeah! We make the keyboard make words too. Mum doesn't understand what they say because it is our secret language. Do you make the keyboard make beepy noises too so your mum has to spend the next half hour trying to work out what you did?

  7. We miss yoo and Angies too Beau Beau.


  8. We're gonna hafta try that laying on the keyboard trick. Most of the time we walk on it and try to make words. It just makes our mom frustrated.

    We hope you all have a Happy New Year!

  9. Beau Beau, you had better give your human some serious prodding! It's not right that she is slacking off and you can't come visit your friends!

  10. Hey, good to see you. Happy New Year!

  11. Hee-hee. We thinks Mom's puter is a great heat source, too! It's like multi-tasking. xoxo

  12. Wishing you the very best for 2012; good food, treats, toys, soft beds, warmth, and attention!
