Thursday, March 30, 2023

Walk in the Park Day - Airlie Gardens - Wilmington NC

 Take a Walk in the Park Day 3.30.23

The Ts:  Today the hyoomans went for a walk in the park to Airlie Gardens in Wilmington, NC. 

Mom Brenda: 

The gardens have a spectacular display of Azaleas. It was a little late for them but there were still many in bloom. Today was sunny and about 65 degrees F and really nice for a walk. It only takes a couple of hours to walk through the park even when stopping to take a lot of photos. The plants are not marked here like in other gardens so we do not know what variety or cultivar they are.  We are starting to choose and plant some additional flowers and shrubs at our new house and wanted to get some ideas, along with some exercise. The gardens smelled so earthy and good. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Here are a few to enjoy:

Loved these beautiful deep pink Azalea.

This is the Live Oak tree that is over 400 years old. Truly majestic.

Azalea - loved these bright salmon/pink ones. My favorites.



The turtle hop :-)

We really like these Azaleas and will try to find what kind they are

These are the same beautiful Azaleas we love

Some gorgeous tulips. There were not many left in bloom here either.


Tomorrow we may go for a walk in our own community. There is a park here as well and the Azaleas are in full bloom. 

~Brenda & Bob (aka food daddy) :-)

Monday, March 27, 2023

Aww Monday and Teaghan's Tail

Teaghan's Tail

Mom saw my tail hanging down so nicely that she just HAD to take a pikture of it. Geez can she stop with the camera for one minute? A girl cat has to have some quiet time ya know? 

Yeah take another pikture when I'm not looking MOL!

Come and join us for the Awww Monday blog hop here:



Friday, March 24, 2023

Flashback Friday - an old photo op with Beau Beau and Angie

A flashback friday post from March 5, years ago when Mom and the Food Daddy  lived in Connecticat with Beau Beau and Angie who crossed the bridge before we was born.  Mom says sometimes it seems like yesterday. Sometimes it seems like a squillion years ago.  Beau Beau and Angie used to get treats? That reminds us we haven't had our chick-hen treats in a while. Hmmm. 

Purrs and XO

The Ts


March 5, years ago

Doesn't look like March with the pumpkin in the photo... hmmm...

One day our lady mommie wuz taking pictures and practicing wif da timer fing and she put it on da tripod and den she made us push da button wif owr paw.  Organix treats helps to keep us in one spot.  It is not easy to get a picture of us together in one spot like dis.  She took over 20 photos before we gots dis one.


Friday, March 17, 2023

Happy St Patty's Day - Seven Drunken Nights

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Top of the Mornin' to You!
Hahaha there are lots of funny songs to listen to.
Here's Mom's favrit:  Seven Drunk Nights

Who did it better? 
Version by Celtic Thunder


The Dubliners

Enjoy the lovely bawdy song and another blessing to y'all:

May your glass be ever full.

May the roof over your head be always strong.

And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead. :-)

Purrs, and hugs,

Tommy and Teaghan


Saturday, March 11, 2023

Saturday Caturday and more Art

Just a few more AI art photos using Dream by Wombo again. We'll take a break from AI art for a bit and do some watercolors and pastels in the next couple of weeks. 
I like this piece as a rendering of a woman, with the flower of life and soft and colorful flowers surrounding her. Amazing that this is what AI created using the prompt "Flower of Life" with a photo of the Ts as reference. We also used the Art style "Floral v2". 

Flower of life and Floralv2 in Dream by Wombo.

And here is a creation using a photo of our last house in CT in the front yard. It gave us three tabby cats and made the front yard beautiful. Now I can see how using a photo of a house and some words with flowers, etc. can possibly create a nice landscape plan! Woooweee! And, is this a sign that maybe we should get another kitty? 😺

The Ts (and a friend) in the front of our last house in CT. Image created in Dream

OK this is more like our messy yard was, but it added a fence. That is an idea we never thought of - especially since there was a stone wall below and if we took all the shrubs out then a fence would have been good there for safety.  There are so many uses for design that I can think of with this AI art. And I do miss that mid century modern transom window design of our house. Hope the new owners are enjoying it as much as we did. :-)

AI Dream rendering of a photo of our last house in CT, with two tabby cats and a wild flower front lawn, with a fence. Image created in Dream

 Thanks for stopping by and looking at the art!

Purrs, Tommy and Teaghan

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Thankful Thursday and Art and a Date

The mom has taken over our bloggie for today. There was a little too much involved for us to use our paws to create these paintings.  Here goes:

Today we are doing an art day and linking up with Rain's Kitchen and Garden. It's her Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Cool Colours (blues, purples, greens) post. And I am soooo thankful that I was able to find a way to express myself through my artwork. It has helped me to finally feel comfortable, calm, and transitioned in our new home in NC.

 First up we have one of my recent watercolor mixed media paintings. This was created from a recent class I took online in  Maria Grossbaum's Abymisso Art School. This was one of the exercises in the Secrets of Lotus tutorial. It teaches you first how to be intuitive, and technically how to create a 3d effect with Pebeo relief outliners and use and mix lots of different materials: watercolors, acrylics, watercolor papers, relief outliners, and iridescent paints among others. Also you learn how to create gradients, textures, mixing color, and the freedom to just create. Many beautiful effects can be achieved following the instructions and/or creating intuitively.  After the exercises are completed, the techniques are used to create the final painting, a field of lotus flowers. You can follow her guidance exactly as she does or create something all your own using her techniques. 

Here is what I created for the 3D relief / flowers exercise to show since it has cool colors using blues, purples, and greens and my favorite colors :-).  

And where would we be without showing an AI painting of one of our furry beauties, Teaghan with the ocean background of blues and greens. Dream by Wombo's AI creation did a pretty good job, except it looks like she's missing one ear! Pretty anyway.  

Teaghan Dream Ocean

And finally, today's purple breakfast. Simple Chia (2 tablespoons) and coconut milk (1 can whole fat) with frozen blueberries. Just simple and healthy food. No sugar needed. You can if you'd like to sugar it up, add some pure maple syrup.  Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed our art and food today!

Purrs and XO

The Ts and Brenda

We are joining: 

Sunday, March 05, 2023

Sunday Funday and Visitors

Happy Sunday! Just a few photos of us doing what we love, chillin' and playin. Have a fun day today efurryone doing what you love.  Oh and we are having visitor's today. They are leaving their warm land in Alabammy (where those big Pelican birds live) and stopping in to see us today on their way back home to cold land in CT. We gonna get lots of petting and schmaybe they will bring us some food? We can hope rite? We knew they were coming because the beans finally cleaned the house of all our furs and closed our the guest bedroom door. 

Teaghan: Just gettin' in a little snooze today.

I'll save you birdie!

Hey how'd that birdie get in here? Don't toss it up to the bird eatin' monster in the ceiling pweeese.

Pelican from 'Bama

Saturday, March 04, 2023

Saturday Caturday Art - More AI Dream

Caturday Saturday Art

Today's Caturday art features a group of AI artwork dream of Cats Playing Cards made in Dream by Wombo. First, I used one of the Ts photos as the uploaded image that it uses as a reference. You can choose weak, normal, or strong for the influence of the photo on the creation. Normally I use weak for the influence and let it do more of the creating.

Next I used the prompt words "two red and white tabby cats playing cards" for some of these.  I also tried "two red and white tabby cats Gypsy reading cards" and it produced the cat woman card reader with red hair and white clothes. Funny!  Notice too that the cards in the image are not exact 52 deck of playing cards. There is just enough to let your mind imagine what cards they are.  

My choice for Art Style was different every time and this is where it gets confusing. I'm starting to recognize the style of some of them and have some favorites like Abstract, Realistic, Unrealistic, and Flora and Flora v2. They are the ones I need to write down when I pick them for future reference. I also need to add in the exact steps I used although they will always come out differently. Also, I use my computer and the browser to create these, not the app. I believe with the app you have ads pop up. It's pretty smooth with the browser version and I just save the images to a folder. 

Lastly, there is an option in Dream to purchase your creation or others as a canvas print. So if you create something really beautiful you can have a nice piece of canvas artwork. Pretty nice!   

We are joining Athena Cat Goddess for the blog hop #Caturday Art here: