Monday, April 24, 2023

Awwww Monday Foxy Fun


Awwww look what we saw out our window the other day! An fox having a roll in the yard. We think it might have fleas or something cuz it kept scratching then it ran off. Looks just like us when we roll around in the house and then run away fast. 


Tommy and Teaghan

Check out some more Awww Mondays here:

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday Selfies with Tommy

Hi Y'all! This is Tommy today. I has a few different Sunday selfies for you from different angles. I hope yoo like them.
First, take a good look at me upside down. You can see my nose holes. 

This next one is a sort of side profile. Mine furry ruff came back out today. It must be because the dad turned off the air thingy and my furs are all puffed up.

This one is my dreamy look. I'm dreaming of mine second breakfast. Hah!

And lastly, The Paw. My loooongg paw. I was inspired by a post from a while ago from Brian and Kiki of Brian's Home.  :-) Go ahead you may kiss the paw...  MOL!

 Enjoy your Sunday effurryone!

XO Tommy

We are joining the Sunday Selfie blog hop at The Cat on My Head. Come along!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Happy Tuesday Play Day

It's National Pet Day and Happy Tuesday! 

Today we are really happy cuz we got to play with a new snakie. This snakie flies! We are not allowed to play with this one by owrselves because we have put the bitey on the snakie a little to far sometimes and have eaten its tail off before Mom could get it out of our mouth. Then Mom and the Food man had to watch for it to come owt the other end of us. :snickers:  Just in case you have one of these snakies make sure you don't chew it's butt off cuz it might get stuck in you and you don't want that! That would not be a happy time. So take care when you play with some of these toys OK? 

Teaghan with the snakie

Tommy getting a grab of the flyin' snakie

Happy Tuesday from Tommy and Teaghan XOXO

And we are joining Comedy Plus for their blog hop!  Come hop along!



Sunday, April 02, 2023

Sunday Selfie with Tommy

 How not to do a selfie with Tommy:

What da heck kind of selfie is this? Hrmphff You trying to get a picture of my butt?!  And you messed up the furs on my back. My heart and T shape is all weird. Let me down! 

Have a fantastical Palm Sunday. 

Another Dream Ai artwork - its interpretation of a cross using the art style synthwave and a photo of mine with pink azaelas. 

We are pawticipating in Sunday Selfies. To link up go here: The Cat on My Head