Saturday, January 20, 2024

Caturday Art with 2Ts and 3Ts

Our furriends over at Trout Talkin Tabbies (TTT) commented on our last Saturday Art post to use the words "Two total lee awesum catz ona tay bull waitin for a fish dinner" for the prompt in AI. So we tried it for fun and we got all kinds of interestin results as you will see below.

First we uploaded our own reference photo from last Saturday (us sittin on a table on a green table cloth). Then we used prompts starting with the TTT's suggestion and  then changed it to a few different versions to get different results. We also used different effects just to get some artsy feel to some of them. Some cartoon/comic, some pop art, and many others.  There were so many and didn’t save them with the descriptions. 

Here we go:  

First Prompt:   "Two total lee awesum catz ona tay bull waitin for a fish dinner"

This one came up with 3 pictures with bulls resting in a field and one that had one normal looking cat and a cat that had a little of a bull face. haha!  

  1. Nice bulls, no cats

    Cat and cat bull -- mol moo mol moo 😆

Second Prompt:  Two totally awesome cats on a table waiting for a fish dinner

Say what?

We got two awesome cats and 3 fish but they don't look too excited about eating do they?

There was no output with us looking at each other so added the words "looking at each other" for the next prompt -- hoping for an interesting look on our faces.

Third Prompt:   "Two totally awesome cats on a table waiting for a fish dinner and looking at each other".

This was as close as it got for us looking at each other but the thing on the plate looks a little like a deflated balloon, rite? 

What da heck?

Fourth Prompt:  "Two Norwegian forest cats on a table waiting for a fish dinner with room at bottom for text copy."  

I realized that if I wanted to make it an LOL picture or add a caption, I needed room at the bottom. Some times it gave me some space but not all the time. So after all of that and out of a whole lot of photos, we thought this one was pretty cool:

What a trip that was! 

So, Please comment and let us know what you think about the results. Thank you!  You are all awesome :-) and thanks to the Trout Talkin Tabbies for sending us down the rabbit hole :-).

Purrs and loves from "Two total lee awesum catz ona tay bull waitin for a fish dinner".
Tommy and Teaghan

We are joining the Caturday Art Hop. Come on over!


  1. You have lots of patience and lots of imagination. These pictures turned out quite fun. A little nudge from the right direction and look what you've created.

  2. Those are all good. I think the tay bull confused AI! The third is my favourite. I think they weren't looking at each other because they were waiting to say grace first!

  3. Fascinating, and so amazing how AI responds to one's word choices. Great article on WAPO with comments from "real artists" who are now using AI and the kind of language choices (some very secretive) they give to achieve results. The more detailed/descriptive one can be, the better the results ... especially for "style" words it seems. I'm still way too frustrated by it and lacking the patience to use it ... but love the way you keep working through it to get better and better results. Keep it up!

  4. fotoz three rox, that for sure iz fizh, sure az we lovez R trout, fotoz two iz grate coz thoz catz bee reddy ta go fishin 🐟‼️😺 foto four for sur iz knot a fizh, noe bull😺 we due knot think AI speekz trout 🐟🐟‼️💚

  5. N thanx mew for sharin yur fizh dinner with uz…happpee weekz end 😺🐟💙‼️

  6. That was really cool! We loike the third one best, but that thing DOES look like a deflated balloon. MOL

  7. Creative photos ~ fun and adorable kitties ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Those are pretty cool and the catch of the day looks really good!

  9. You got some amazing results!!! Too funny about the bulls MOL!

  10. Great job on all of these. The last is my favorite.

  11. AI sure makes things interesting…and fun!

  12. That last one is definitely Our Favourite. The first one, which the AI clearly misunderstood and added a bull, made Us MOL.
    We haven't tried any AI programs as yet.

  13. The last one is our fave. The others are good too and the cat bull is so funny.

  14. Charlee: "Hmm we don't know what that orange thing on the plate is but we are pretty sure it didn't come from this planet ..."
