Hey College Girl and Nick-Beau (he's college girl's boyfurrend)! Me an Beau Beau haf demands.
1) We demand to know when da Mommy and Daddy are coming home. We finks dey am way overdue from da honey-moon.
2) What is a honey-moon anyway?
3) We want fank you for feeding us owr stinky goodness but since the rest of da fambly is not here we finks you should gibs us shrimp and lots of it before dey get back!
4) Dat wuz fun playing in da water dat leaked out of da sink all ofur da floor but maybe you could use some of it to wash out owr private baffrooms huh? Dey am getting a little stinky.
5) We finks you should open up dat bag of treats dat you were aposed to be giving us efurryday. Mom said how many a day? Maybe seventy-eleben a day? Dat sounds about right.
We could fink of lots of more fings we want but dis will do for now.
Angie, household spokesperson while da beans are away.