Monday, August 06, 2007

Mancat Monday

I'm being a real mancat and cleaning up Angie after her visit owtside. Looks like I'm yellin' at her but I'm not. Well, I kinda am coz I gets worried bout her. Yesterday she ran after a bunny. I saw it. Luckily da bunny escaped.
~Beau Bea


  1. This is very sweet BeauBeau that you clean Angelica up after her outside adventures!
    what a lovely picture!

    Happy Day
    headbutts, Caesar

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    This is very very cute!
    Maybe she got some spicy Thai sauce on her chin, too?

  3. aww Beau Beau, that is so sweet!!! Hey! Abby is back!!!

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    You two look like you are singing and talking and having a furry good time!

  5. Good job grooming Angie, Beau Beau! Because she has some very full furs. I can tell Angie likes it because she has a big smile on her face.

  6. that furry cute beau beau

  7. Awwwww, such a nice mancat.

  8. You must get some hairy furballs from your sister. You guys look so cute.

  9. That's very sweet of you, Beau Beau. It looks like Angie appreciates it.

    I bet your tongue gets stuck a lot in her long fur!

  10. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest picture!! You two are so nice to each other and you look like you are having a wonderful time!
    Your FL furiends,

  11. Haha her furrs are stuck to yer tung. Angie looks like she reely likes yoo doing that. Yer such a good brofurr.

  12. You're a great brother! It looks like she likes you helping her out.

  13. Beau, yoos is a effun better mancat brofur den I am. I only clean da back of my sisfurs heads where dey can't reach.

  14. Anonymous8:38 PM

    That is a really cute picture. My brother Clyde and I sometimes help eachother get clean. My Lady thinks it's the cutest.

  15. That is the sweetest picture of the two of you! I think it's precious. Angelica got to chase a bun bun? We bunsat one whole summer before. Those animals are crazy. I was a gentleman man cat and would try to walk u and sniff her,and she would just start charging right toward me. She did that over and over agian. I was kinda glad when she went back to her home. I never knew what she was going to next.

  16. That is so sweet of you~!!!!!

    I love that picture very very deeply much~!!!!! How sweet of that~!!!

  17. We had two bunnies right outside the front door this morning. Mum did not let me go outside to play with them.

  18. Aw BeauBeau, you are such an attentive brother! I hope she appreciated it!

  19. Beau Beau

    Yu sure made Angie furry happy by givin her dat sweet kiss, what a grate pixchur of boff of yu!


  20. Anonymous6:23 PM

    awwww - that's the cutest picture!

  21. that is such a great photo! i don't know if I'm exactly glad the bunny got away, but I'm glad Angie is OK. Careful out there guys!
