Now comes da toofy part. I went to have my teef cleaned at da v.e.t. torture chamber. Mom went today to have a toof pulled in a human v.e.t. torture chamber. I have to take anty-bye-ottics for my mouf. Mom has to take the same kind of anty-bye-ottics acept hers isn't pink and has to be squirted in her mouf like mine does. I was furry mad when I woke up from my teef cleaning an almost put da bitey on dem people. Mom was furry mad dat she didn't go to sleep for hers coz it hurt so awful bad. It wuz da worst teef pain she efur had coz her toof wuz infected. If I ever go back to get my teef done I will bite someone. If Mom efur has to go back for any ofur teef work she will either go to sleep for it or bite someone.
While Mom wuz at da toofy torture chamber waiting for da torture to start she prayed hard for Miss Peach and Beau and any ofurs who don't feel good. We hope dey feel better too.

Angie - I'm so sorry for both you and your mom! I agree. You should bite them next time! Your mommy did a great job with that picture.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sorry about the toofies for all involved. But your mommy did a wonderful picture of you today! It's absolutely lovely!
ReplyDeletePurrrrrs, China Cat
Too bad bout yur mom's toof pain. Mine Mom had 3 baby teefs an 4 "impacted" growed up teefs removed (they hadn't come out of her gums yet) afore she gotted braces. Dey sed her mouf was too small fur so many big teefs. To take out thos 7 teefs, she was knocked out. I hopes you bof feel better soon. Share sumfing soft, like ice cream - mmmmm
ReplyDeletePS that's a wonnerful pictor, too. Cocoa will faint.
ReplyDeleteMy Meowm was at the tooth doctor last week. She didn't get any pulled but they had to drill on a couple of hers...her mouth is still sore after all the shots they had to give her. I hope both your mouths feel better sooner than Meowms.
ReplyDeleteWhat a day! A Toofer. Our mom says she won't have a tooth pulled without going to sleep. We don't blame your if you put the bitey on da v.e.t. We really like the photo project your mom did - very nice.
ReplyDeleteMidnite & Stray Kitty
Oh, it sounds like both you and your Mum had quite the day. I think both you and your Mum should bite anyone who comes near your teeths next time!
ReplyDeleteCocoa won't shut up about how beautiful your picture is. He's right too. We think when it comes to teeth, human and kitty dentists all deserve the Big Bitey.
Angie, you look wonderful framed!
ReplyDeleteYour poor mommie. We hate the dentist, our mom does too!
Purrs to both of you on your toothy problems. Hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteOh boy...your photos are already some of our very favorites. We can't imagine how much more we will love them with photoshop lessons. (Why Doesn't ML take some of those, huh? Lazy Woman.)
ReplyDeleteAnd a long long time ago when she had a lot of very painful teeth work done, ML decided that tooth pain was the worst pain to have in the whole entire body.
Of course, she's never been in labor, but if it's worse than tooth pain, she's glad she tied her toobas when she was 30.
We hope you are both feeling better. Sadie finally stopped sneezing and pawing at her mouth, so her dental was a success, even though she was still high on very good drugs for 24 hours and weaving out of her lane. And she did not share the good drugs. Hrmph.
angie you are so beautiful.... hope you and mommies teef feel better soon
ReplyDeleteWe are so sorry for the awfulness that the toofs have taken on you and your mommy. But Angie, that photo need to be framed and placed in a prominent place of honor - you are so pretty!
ReplyDeleteWowww, this is a very tough day for you and your mommy~!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOwr Momma feels yur Momma's pain. When Momma gotted her toof canaled she gotted then funny gas and gotted really silly. SHe doesn't like the toof v-e-t one bit. We hope efurryone is feeling better soon.
~Meeko & Kiara (Momma too)
I can't believe any humand can dream up such a torture as that! Did you put the bitey on all of them? Your mom will have fun with photoshop. Mine is always playing with The GIMP.
ReplyDeleteYou look so, so beautiful, Angie ... I'm sorry you and your mom were tortured!
ReplyDeleteAngie, that is a lovely photo of you. I'm sorry to hear that both you and your mom had so much trouble with your teeth! I hope you both feel better now.
ReplyDeleteI is furry sorry dat yur Momma and yu has to end-door all dat pain and sufferin. I hadda to havlf my front canine taken out. Momma noticed rite after she 'dopted me dat it wuz broken at dee gum line and she wuz furry werried bout me. So, I do udderstand how yu felt. I wuz all woozie after dey put me out and I toll Momma all bout it too. WE hopes yu is feelin better tooday.
PhotoShop is very, very fun and your mom made a great picture of you! My Mommie just tried to learn on her own, and it was very hard to figure out. I think she should have taken a class.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you and your mom had some yucky things happen with your teeths. I HATE TEETHS!
I do think it would be nicer if humans were knocked out for their teeth cleaning...
Angie, you look beautiful in that picture.
ReplyDeleteWhen the VET stole my tooth, I would have put the bitey on someone too, 'cept I was sleepin'. My mouth hurt too when I woke up.
Nice work!
ReplyDeleteI vote for the biting!
ReplyDeleteWowie, that's a beeyootiful pickshure of you! And I'm so sorry about the toofie problems. I hope you and yur Momma's toofies are feelin bettur soon!
ReplyDeleteHappy Halloweenies to you!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
What a lovely picture angie!!!!
ReplyDeleteAt least your mom is sharing the pain.