Saturday, December 05, 2009

Photo Hunt - Curved

Well I did not know dat mine whiskers curved dat much! Look how cool dey look? Plus I never noticed how long dey are. Whiskers are a funny fing. Most of da time owr humans don't efun notice dem. Mine whiskers are curvey enuf so I can feel my way around efun at nite. Now if I can just convince da beans to let me owt at nite den I could put dese whiskers to good use.



  1. You have lovely long curvy whiskers. They look like smiling whiskers.

  2. You have beautiful curvy whiskers!

  3. Yoor whiskers is beyootiful. Don't go outside at night, dat is when da very bad things come out!

  4. Angie, you have wonderful curvy whiskers, but we're glad you don't get to go out at night. Something might eat you up!

  5. They are very beautiful long whiskers sweetie.
