Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday Caturday - AI Artwerk

 Teaghan in AI mode

Artwork created in Dream by Wombo

Wooooweeee! Statikee Statikee Zappy goes me!  How do y'all like my floofy look? At least the AI art got it right with the correct number of paws. The whapping paw looks a little weird though.  Mom used a photo of me and the werds long haired tabby cat dream.  We like the artsy blues and flowers it came up with.  Sort of hippy-ish too but purrty.  Actually this could be either me or Tommy cuz we look so much alike. His nose isn't as straight as mine so this could actually be him. Haha! Enjoy!


  1. Hi Teaghan, what a cool piece of art. Those AIs create some interesting pieces. Our Peep has been playing with another AI art program and finds them really interesting. Keep being awesome. Purrs Marv

  2. I love your art.

  3. Wow do you every look pretty and right fancy too!

  4. Taeghan, that is pawsome! Such super fancy artwork today!

  5. The art is beautiful! I need to check out the Al Art.

  6. This is cool! You do look a bit - well, spikey (mol).

  7. Charlee: "Looks like somebody is standing on the Van de Graaff generator again!"

  8. Oh wow, I love that.

  9. This is awesome. I love the hair. It's amazing the way it swirls out like the wind is blowing it. Yeah, I've noticed the AI has trouble counting paws and ears. I've had to use Photoshop to erase the third ear. I don't think a third ear makes cats psychic.

  10. Love the artwork, we're definitely going to try that app!
