Friday, June 30, 2006


Beau's Mom suggested that there should be a new attitute for positive names and a new name for his byline rather than "lean mean kitty machine". She's right. We need more positive names and fings in life to create good feelings and good karma. We're trying to fink of a good byline for you, Beau.

So then Mom shouldn't call me negative names like "psycho". But she says I look crazed in this picshur. It was one of my jumpy days in the box. I fink I mighta picked up vibes from Fat Eric. He was all wriggly and stuff the ofur day like me!


  1. we don't fink you look psycho. we fink you look like you're hafing fun.

  2. Yeah Beau yous look like you seen somefink to make you laugh with a twinkle in your eye.


  3. kinda do look a little cuckoo with that box. Sorry, but you do.

  4. Box! Box fun. bbbboooooxxxxx.
    What about "silly"? Mom an Dad call me that a lot, but I don know if it's possitive or negative.
    You know, we kitties haf to consume a certain amount of corrigated cardboard for our health.

  5. Oooooooooooooooh a box! Boxes are so fun :)
    I finks you should be Victor Purrty Eyes, cuz you gots such purrty eyes. :)
    I'll trys to fink up one for Beau too.
    Possytive stuff is gooooooooood.

    ~~ Sanjee

  6. No need to apologize, Beau Beau. We all get that psycho look when we're in a box-biting frenzy.

  7. Oops, now Sanjee can't tell us apart! Hee, hee, hee!
    I fink it would be great fur sumone to name a rescued kitty Tiffy, but only a gurl kitty.

  8. Momma said "WOAH!!!" really loud and then maked her big loud laugh noise that Grammie can't stand. Beau Beau, you am looking so silly!

    Momma thinks your bean Mom puts eyeliner on you and Angie (::sigh-blush::) a'cause you both have stunning eye things!

    Mine byliner am simple and makes up for the fact that I don't blog every day ;) LOL "a not-so-daily blog by me, Timothy Dickens"

  9. You are lookin pretty wild and crazy!!

    Patches Lady

  10. We finks that the beans picked us acoz of our purty eyes. It does look like we have eyeliner on doesn't it?

  11. Psycho is a GOOD thing...!

  12. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Beau Beau, you do look just a leeeetle bit crazed in that picture... but what gorgeous eyes you have, crazy or not! We have lots of boxes with bites nibble off of them, too. After Moose gets that look in his eye.
    ~ turtle

  13. Oopsy, my eyes must need fixin. I'll go tell Mommy I needs glasses. You finks I'd look cute in glasses?
    And yous both do look like yer wearin eyeliner! hehehe

    ~~ Sanjee

  14. My goodness, Beau, you looked deranged!

    CoughsI mean, coughs, I'm supposed to be positive here. Yes, of course...umm...

    Beau, you look like you are in the midst of a mental challenge in which your logic has been thrown to the wayside and replaced by a fit of unending loopiness.

    I hope that was more positive.

  15. Hee Hee I like the werd "loopy"! That sounds better than psycho. That reminds Mommy of the movie where the man stabs the shower curtain. Eeeek.
