Monday, November 28, 2022

Teaghan and an Awww Moment on Monday


If this photo of our sweet Teaghan doesn't make you go Awww then what does? I think she slept almost all day Sunday. She and Tommy must have had a busy night guarding the house from all kinds of wildlife outside on Saturday night. 

Add your linky to join the Awww...Monday Blog hop hosted at Comedy Plus.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Sunday Selfie(s) of Tommy

Hey it's me, Tommy! I get to have a Sunday selfie again this week. I asked the Mom to help me again this week so we could get more than one eye in. I don't know what she was thinking! Look what she did. Hey - my face is higher than my butt you know.  Finally at the end we got another one but it's still only one eye! Maybe by next week I can figure out how to get both mine eyes in. 

Plus the final part of the move story, Part IV, is supposed to be coming this week too.  Check back and read the rest of the story and we will show you where our favorite spots in the house are.

Purrs, Tommy 


Saturday, November 26, 2022

Caturday Photo Art with Teaghan

Hi everyone, it's me, Teaghan. My Mommy make this pretty art picture of me staring adoringly at my Food Daddy right before he brushed my furs. She used Photoshop Express and the Bokeh overlay B08 to add these pretty bubbles. 

We are joining the Caturday Art blog hop a little late today. Mom cooked a Turkey dinner today so they could have sandwiches this week. I think they might get tired of turkey. They better not come after our food for something different. Hah! 

Purrs to everyone.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Easy Like Sunday taking a nap

We couldn't really call this a selfie since Tommy is sleeping and he couldn't hold the iphone haha. He's actually up on the shelf in the closet too high for me to reach him. The interesting thing about this is that Tommy has not slept in his kitty bed since we moved to North Carolina. On Friday, Bob (Food Daddy), brought the Christmas boxes down from the "room that no kitty goes in".  Since then Tommy has been yelling up the stairs from the bottom of the staircase or sitting in front of the door to that room and acting a little strange in general.  He's not sniffing around the boxes although he could have done that at night. And now I find him sleeping in his bed. We are not sure if he's remembering the old house with their smells still on them or the fact that there are boxes stacked up again in the middle of the house, or just because Bob went in the room where no kitty goes and he saw him do it.  The curious cat forever wanting to explore new spaces.  Either way it's something different and I'm actually happy that he's using his bed again.  Just hope he doesn't roll off it while sleeping/dreaming and hit the floor! 😅

Friday, November 18, 2022

Friends on Friday - Part III of the Move

Before the Ts tell the rest of our move story we wanted to say hi to all the friends we've known from all the past years and new ones of cat blogging. As Beau Beau and Angie, it was a time for creativity and a place to make new friends. Since they have passed many life changes have happened. It's time to focus more on our newest furry friends, Tommy and Teaghan, time to renew friendships, and time to meet new ones here in blogger land.  And a special thanks for Ann at Zoolatry who helped to get us blogging again with a new header and answers to questions!

Tommy:  Where did we leave off? Oh yeah the ride from h#ll.  Teaghan sang the song of her people all the way, with a twist, singing "ma ooooh" "ma ooooh" all the way until our Meomy finally let her out of our purrison and held her on her lap. Then it was my turn on her lap except I still kept panting. 

We left in the dark and when we finally got out of the car it was dark again. We thought we were home until we got inside the new place.  It smelled like a herd of woofies and other kitties were in there.  We sniffed around and around. Where was our stuff? Where in da world were we? 

Mom and the Food Daddy told us were in a place called North Carolina. We were going to live in this condo until we went to another house. It was really warm here in Caroliney and we had a real porch to go out on so we could breathe fresh outside air and watch birdies all day!  

Teaghan:  Everything was ok once we sniffed the place out. And then we heard it. The scary noise from above. Someone was above us. Clomp clomp stomp stomp they went. Back and forth and back and forth. What kind of monster was up there? What was it? And is that the noise of a wolfie? clickity clickity clickity nails back and forth from room to room.  We ran from room to room thinking someone was going to come through the ceiling! Mom would get scared from the noise and jump up and say bad werds at the ceiling. Lots of bad werds. Werds we never heard before.

Teaghan looking up at the ceiling when the people above us were stomping around every time they went from the couch to the kitchen area.

Tommy watching the people go by from the screened in porch

Us in our bedroom so we could sleep near our humans

This was another room we played in sometimes. Usually just wanted to get our furs on it. Not too much stomping in here. Sometimes Daddy worked on his 'puter in here.

Teaghan found a nice chair to sit in and take a nap an the color matched our furs

There was a real comfortable couch here that Tommy liked. Mom and Food Daddy spent many hours sitting here reading.

Tommy kept an eye on things outside from here sometimes.

Keeping an ear and eye on the stompers above us.

The stompers (and probably the long ride) bothered Tommy so much he gotted sick. Mom and the Food Daddy had to bring him to the emergency v.e.t. cause we couldn't get in anywhere else and found out he had a UTI. He had to take medicine for a while and then he was back to his normal self, playing hide and seek with me.

Finally we settled in and just kept an ear on the clomping monsters and clicking doggies that came and went every few weeks. 

We can't tell time but Mom told us it was five and a half months we were in the condo when it was only supposed to be two months. The humans were not pleased. Then one day we had to go in the metal monster again! Oh no! Where were they taking us this time!?

To be continued for the final chapter...


Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thankful Thursday


This is me, Tommy.  I am thankful for the nice view from the window. Mom set up the chair for me and Teaghan to look out of. I took the seat away from Teaghan cuz I am looking for the leezards outside. They run along the side of the house. Sometimes I see the lady next door come outside too. And lots of birds go in the bushes.  Lots to look at here. 

Part III of our move series is coming up tomorrow and you can see more of where we live now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tabbies on Tuesday - Meet the ferals

 Our human neighbor behind our house came over to let us know about her cat.  She said she was a gray and white tabby who is 14 years old and a feral that sleeps under her deck. Her parents had fed it all these years and now she may be moving soon.  We hope the new people keep feeding her.  

Then the next day, Mom and the Food man were taking a walk and they ran into what they guessed is a feral community in the neighborhood. There were a few of the cutest cats just hanging out in the parking lot near some dumpsters. They seemed to be having a good ole time! As Mom got closer, they slowly got up and started walking away to different areas. She got this picture of them and one fits the description of the girl cat the neighbor was describing. And she is a Beau Beau lookalike too! After digging around for some more info, it is indeed a feral community that has a lot of people who feed these cats daily. They have been doing so for years and they are well taken care of. They get vet care, spayed/neutered, and fed. They all seem pretty mellow.  

So meet two of the feral tabbies!  Mom will get some more photos on her next walk and post next Tuesday.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Moving from Connecticut to North Carolina - Part II - the Goodbyes

Moving Part II - The Goodbyes to CT and the Ride

It was hard knowing we would be leaving a place with so many memories of our precious Angels, Beau Beau and Angie.

Beau Beau's (over the bridge) look when we told him we were moving from his house.  😂  

Angie's favorite place to sit was between our house and the neighbor's. She could hide and also keep one eye on the birds at the neighbor's bird bath. Before we left, Mom and the food man had a memorial and goodbye ceremony and spread their ashes in their favorite garden spots.  

The hot poker plants
These are some of Mom's favorite flowers that she'll miss the most.  

Beautiful hydrangea
Coneflowers and front yard

AND THEN we had a relaxing night and when we woke up in the morning someone came and took all our furniture!

When the noisy people left all our smells on all our stuff was gone! Where were our chairs? Where were our couch and tables? We ran from room to room looking for everything!

Somehow one of our beds was still there. We went to sleep and in the morning we went to the room with the noisy machine that brings us to the v.e.t.  And we got stuffed into our prison for the loooooonnnng ride.

We were on our way to Caroliney.  

Tommy's stink eye.

Tommy: "Hey get us out of here! There's not enough room for both of us!". 
Teaghan: "Get off me you big oaf!"  

Ha ha, there was plenty of room in there, except they wanted nothing more than to get out. Then, hiss hiss hiss from Teaghan at the people at the gas station when we stopped to get gas. And pant, pant, pant from Tommy every few minutes, the. entire. 15 hr. trip

Stay tooned for Part III to see where we landed temporarily.

Tommy & Teaghan

Thursday, November 10, 2022

From Connecticut to North Carolina Part I

The BIG MOVE. Part I.

We are back to blogging, our blog has a new look thanks to Ann at Zoolatry, and we are here to tell you the story of the past year or so.

Life was good. Mom and the food man were home with us a lot more. Mom worked from home and then there was no more work for her. The food man stayed home a couple days a week to work then he went back to the office. We were all relaxed and happy in our nice big windowed house. We gots to see outside all the time, attack the windows trying to get to Mr. Squirrel, run up and down the stairs playing herd of elephants and protect the place on our nightly patrols from all other animal intruders. Then one day there was the smell of change in the air.

Teaghan on left, Tommy on right

Here is the back yard where we kept a look out for all kinds of birds and animals

Here is the front of our CT house. We only saw this view when we went to the v.e.t.

Little by little we started noticing a lot of things were going missing in the house! Our stuff was moved around. Our stuff was moved out of the house!  One day our condo was even "GASP" outside! 

The beans sold our KITTY CONDO! What in the heck!

Teaghan looking out

There were days I just hid in the boxes that were all over the place.

I'm telling you Tommy, something horrible is happening!

We tried to hide in our hidey spot but even the stuff in there had gone missing.  

And I protested when they tried to get rid of my favorite chair.  It had all my furs all over it at least a 1/2 inch thick in spots. No it couldn't go.

Then one day, horror of all horrors, we had to go in the loud metal machine in a different carrier than our usual v.e.t carrier.  Both Mom and the Food man brought us out and made us sit in it till we screamed our heads off.  Well, I made a few noises, but Tommy didn't make a peep. Brown noser.  I got to walk around. I looked for an escape plan.

Then we heard the words. The horrible words.  We were moving to North Carolina 👀 Where the heck is that??? 
Teaghan: "We're moving WHERE?"

Stay tooned for Part II.  In the mean time we will be catching up on visiting y'all.

Tommy & Teaghan

Friday, November 04, 2022

Get ready for something new!


First off, we are over FIVE and a half years old now! Where does the time go? And we have not been blogging a whole nother year! What's up with that? Also we MOVED to someplace that gets really hot in the summer! What were the humans thinking? We have double coats of fur that are supposed to keep us cool as well as warm but this is something to get used to fur sure. So, stay tooned for a new look on our header (Ann from Zoolatry is making us something really cool) and finally some blogging activity. Happy to be back ya'll!

The Ts - Tommy and Teaghan