Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Taking over
Our friend Raul, who is a REAL project manager is going to be done with his kitchen WAY before we efun get around to finally picking out our tile!

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Apostle attack
Beau Beau. "Yes Mom?" Do you know anything about the poor plant's leaves exhibiting this sorry state they are in? "No Mom. Me an Angie nefur go near that plant. It am a scary plant wif all those arms hanging off it." Now are you sure Beau Beau? Because there also seemed to be some um, how shall we say, rejected, half digested, little chewed pieces of plant left in a little pile on the carpet. In other words, someone in the house threw up some of the eaten plant.
Angie. "Yes Mom." Have you been eating the plant? "No Mom. I'm scared of the plant with all those arms hanging off it. It might wrap it self around me or something. Urp. 'Scuse me."
Well kids, some plants are not good for you too eat because it might make you sick. I will be watching this plant to see if it gets attacked again. It was a present from your Aunt. I don't think she would be too happy to see what's happened to it nor does she want you to get sick. So you might just want to keep an eye on it but stay far away from it. Ok? "Yes, Mom."
Sunday, October 22, 2006
I see you
Friday, October 20, 2006
Can I go?
"I know Beau Beau, but sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Have fun at the party and don't stay out too late with Angie."

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Beau's island
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Beau Beau's Gotcha Day

Um, Mom, this was last October and we had pumpkins. Where are the pumpkins for this year huh? Are we a little busy or something?

Daddy's shoes look so much bigger in this picshur!

Look - the bowl is even bigger than me almost! Plllluugh.
Now I gots a little paunchy belly. See how I even let Mommy touch it? But not for long though. That's MY belly.

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Jus relaxing
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Baffroom Manager

Friday, October 06, 2006
For the hard working humans

You cannot move mountains,
If you believe them to be mountains.
You must think of them as collections of small stones,
Which can be moved one at a time,
And then reassembled.
Make work difficult, and it cannot be done.
Make it simple, and even a simpleton can do it.
There is great virtue in hard work,
As long as someone else is doing it.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Happy Purthday Dad
Love Angie and Beau Beau

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
To Meow or not to Meow

From the Tao of Meow by Waldo Japussy.
If you can utter the one true sound,
You have found the way.
Some humans call the way "the Tao."
All I know is it rhymes with Meow.
And when I say, "Meow," I want my way.
Whether I speak it or not, it is the one true sound,
Because it lets me get my way.
Meow is the beginning of all things,
The source of everything I want.
I don't actually need all things,
Although some humans think they do.
Food, shelter, catnip, and mice to catch
Are enough for me.
Although-- I will admit__
It's nice to have someone provide these things for me.
I do not know their names -- they are the Nameless Ones.
I just call them "Meow."
Meow. They come. They open the door.
I don't know how they do it.
But they do. They know the Meow.
Through the Meow, it is possible to perceive the Subtle.
Through the Meow, it is possible to get what you want.
The Tao of Meow--
The way to get the best of both worlds.
And when I have the best of both,
I lie down on a simple blanket
And contemplate the profound__
Even that which is more profound than the profound,
More subtle than and subtlety__
The purr of perfection
Which is the door to all contentment.