Sunday, October 08, 2006

Baffroom Manager

Mine Mom has to go to Mew Jersey fur werk this week and while she's gone I am lookin' ofur the baffroom picshurs of stuff that goes in there. It has to match wif the paper that goes on the wall. That paper picshur looks just like where I wented on vay-cay-shun wif the beans when I hid in the luggage and spent the week on the beach. This way the baffroom can always remind us of island vay-cay-shuns.


  1. Helping with wall papering is great fun. Glad to see you're doing such a good job!

  2. That am furry pretty paper!! Grammie wuz lookin' at somfin' kinda like that.

  3. Purrty stuff! Cat hair would make it just purrfect, too!

  4. Anonymous12:15 AM

    You are such a thoughtful kitty!

  5. Beau-bro, maybe next you can help us do a room in collar-ado mountain colors!
    I's sorry yur mom has to go way fur werk. Mine mom did that a week ago. Why can't they do the werk at home wif us? We'd help.

  6. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Oh, we wish we could re-do our bathroom. Bubbles would choose mouse-walpaper.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    that paper's purrty! remember that the tiles an stuff hafta match nice wif Angie's bee-yoo-tee-full fur!

  8. Beau Beau

    Yu are doing a furry gud job, I is sur dat dis is going to look gor-jous when yu are through.


  9. Beau Beau, do you do any work on the side? Our master bathroom is still not completed, and I was wondering if we could hire your services so that my human gets it done. I'm tired of having to look at it half-way completed!

  10. Nice job you are doing there, Beau Beau. My mum likes to lie in the bathtub and think about going on holiday, I think she would like some pictures to look at at the same time!

  11. Anonymous5:54 PM

    if lots of beans think you did a good job they might want you to do their bafrooms. they might efens pay you wif stinky goodness or nip.

  12. furry nice wall paper, there--although it seems rather odd that beans would want pictures of a never-ending litter box on their walls. well, it is the bean litter box room, after all; kinda makes sense . . . beans. can't live with 'em, can't bury 'em in the litter box! ;-)

  13. You're doin' such a good job with the bean litterbox project! That paper is furry nice!

  14. Yoo culd be an interier designur. Yoo must be vary gud at matching. Maybe yoo shuld put up the pickturs while shes gone.

    Yoo know, we'll nevur understand why owr peeple leave us for mr. Werk. Hope she gets back soon!

  15. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Love the paper.It's so pretty.

  16. You are such a good helper! You should get extra treats! Tell your Momma I said so.......


  17. That sounds very nice...and you are such a hard worker! I know your mom really appreciates all your help!

  18. You snuck in their bags and got to go on vacation? Wow! I wanna try that!
