Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday Fir Tree

Yep, I finks this tree will do. It's not too tall and the star will fit on the top. We think the tree is a Douglas Fir. The beans were looking for a Balsam tree but ended up wif this one. That's what the get for walking in the Christmas tree field right afore sundown so they had to pick one quick.
I tasted it too. Yep. Tastes like a Fir tree. It's official. Yes, it is ok to put the stuff on now.
~Beau Beau


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    That looks like a very nice tree. I hope your beans have fun decorating it!

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I want our tree!!! The people are lazy and don't have it yet. You'd think its the least they could do for a poor sick cat.


  3. Beau Beau

    We's is glad yu checked out dat tree. Now we's knoos it is safe fur efurrybody! Yu look so koot sittin lookin up at dat tree too Beau!


  4. Good job on the offical inspection!

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    you got ta put the bitey on TREE? oooh - lucky! i neffur bitey'd a tree before.

    hi purrrty Angie!

  6. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I think that maybe my Meowm needs your help in finding a tree. We don't have one up yet.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Very nice tree.What a great tree inspector you are.

  8. We gots the same kinda half wall as you, but I don't go up there much. Bonnie useta. That's a nice lookin tree. I bet it's the same kind we had lass year. Maybe I'll port ofur an taste it myself. We don't gots one yet, maybe cuz the boy's got toys an projects all ofur the lifin room.

  9. Better a FIR tree than a FUR tree. HAHAHAHA. No trees have appeared at my house yet.

  10. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Your pictures are so great! I love the Tummy Tuesday pic. So are you two going to be naughty or nice? Just how long is that tree going to stay up before you try and whack some of the ornaments off?

  11. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Oh that is a great tree. You are so lucky to have a real tree in your house. Can wait to see the decorations.

  12. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Does a fir tree taste different than other trees? Cause other trees don't taste all that good, IMO.
    ~ moose

  13. Didn't it taste all icky?

  14. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I'm glad it passed muster! Did you cats hear about the woman who had a Christmas tree delivered and while she was decorating it she reached in and felt something sharp (she thought it was pine needles)! The next morning she found a bat hanging upside down in her home. (No rabies, though!)

  15. Y'all gots a REAL tree?!?!?! THat am all the way cool. Owrs is a real live fake one. It dosen't taste furry good. We've already knocked a few ornaments off of it! Heehee!!
