Happy New Year everyone!
We am starting the new year off right with a brotherly/sisterly kiss. This am a good year for relationships coz the beans are going to make it ofishul and get married in May. Their rezolooshun is to actually GET married in May instead of changing the date AGAIN. Our new year's rezolooshun is to get along this year and not fight wrestle so much and make the beans run after us. Beau Beau's ofur rezolooshun is not to jump on the hot stove no more. He already got hot paws wunce but he needs to be reminded not to do it again. It's going to be a busy year for lots of projecks and plans and prepurrashuns.
We wish efurryone the best of luck wif yur rezolooshuns and goals and plans fur the year too. May 2007 be a wunnerful year and may we all stay happy and healthy!